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leds:publicacoes:index [2016/02/25 19:38]
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Linha 6: Linha 6:
 ===== Conferências ===== ===== Conferências =====
-  * LIMA, T. ; CARNEIRO, T. ; LANA, R. ; CODEÇO, C. ; MARETTO, R. ; MEDEIROS, L. ; SILVA, L. ; SANTOS, L. ; REIS, I. ; COELHO, F. ; MONTEIRO, A. [[ https://​www.researchgate.net/​publication/​282927548_A_framework_for_modeling_and_simulating_Aedes_aegypti_and_dengue_fever_dynamics | A framework for modeling and simulating aedes aegypti and dengue fever dynamics (RG) ]]. In: [[http://​wintersim.org/​2014/​ | Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)]]. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2014), 2014, Savannah, GA, USA. 2014. p. 1481-1492. The original ​publication is available at: [[ http://​dl.acm.org/​citation.cfm?​id=2693848.2694037 | ACM DL ]]. {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2014wsc_limaetal2014.pdf|[paper]}} {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2014wsc_limaetal2014.bib|[bibtex]}}+  * LIMA, T. ; CARNEIRO, T. ; LANA, R. ; CODEÇO, C. ; MARETTO, R. ; MEDEIROS, L. ; SILVA, L. ; SANTOS, L. ; REIS, I. ; COELHO, F. ; MONTEIRO, A. [[ https://​www.researchgate.net/​publication/​282927548_A_framework_for_modeling_and_simulating_Aedes_aegypti_and_dengue_fever_dynamics | A framework for modeling and simulating aedes aegypti and dengue fever dynamics (RG) ]]. In: [[http://​wintersim.org/​2014/​ | Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)]]. Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2014), 2014, Savannah, GA, USA. 2014. p. 1481-1492. The final version of publication is available at: [[ http://​dl.acm.org/​citation.cfm?​id=2693848.2694037 | ACM DL ]]. {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2014wsc_limaetal2014.pdf|[paper]}} {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2014wsc_limaetal2014.bib|[bibtex]}} 
 +  * LIMA, T. F. M.; CARNEIRO, T. G. S. ; LANA, R. M. ; CODECO, C. T. ; MARETTO, R. V. ; MEDEIROS, L. C. C. ; SILVA, L. G. ; SANTOS, L. B. L. ; REIS, I. C. ; COELHO, F. C. ; MONTEIRO, A. M. V. . [[ https://​www.researchgate.net/​publication/​292395116_Developing_a_Framework_for_Modeling_and_Simulating_Aedes_aegypti_and_Dengue_Fever_Dynamics | Developing a Framework for Modeling and Simulating Aedes aegypti and Dengue Fever Dynamics (RG) ]]. In: XIV Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics,​ 2013, Campos do Jordão. Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics. São José dos Campos: MCTI / INPE, 2013. p. 142-146. ​
   * LIMA, T. F. M. ; CARNEIRO, T. G. S. ; FARIA, S. D. ; SILVA, P. H. A. ; PESSOA, M. S. . [[ https://​www.researchgate.net/​publication/​261058822_TerraME_GIMS_An_Eclipse_plug-in_for_environmental_modeling | TerraME GIMS: An Eclipse Plug-In for Environmental Modeling (RG) ]]. In: [[http://​se.inf.ethz.ch/​events/​topi2013/​Program.html | Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI)]]. 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2013. p. 37-42. ISSN: 2327-0748. DOI: 10.1109/​TOPI.2013.6597192. The original publication is available at: [[ http://​ieeexplore.ieee.org/​xpl/​articleDetails.jsp?​arnumber=6597192 | IEEE Xplore ]]. {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2013topi_limaetal2013.pdf|[paper]}} {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2013topi_limaetal2013.bib|[bibtex]}}   * LIMA, T. F. M. ; CARNEIRO, T. G. S. ; FARIA, S. D. ; SILVA, P. H. A. ; PESSOA, M. S. . [[ https://​www.researchgate.net/​publication/​261058822_TerraME_GIMS_An_Eclipse_plug-in_for_environmental_modeling | TerraME GIMS: An Eclipse Plug-In for Environmental Modeling (RG) ]]. In: [[http://​se.inf.ethz.ch/​events/​topi2013/​Program.html | Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI)]]. 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2013. p. 37-42. ISSN: 2327-0748. DOI: 10.1109/​TOPI.2013.6597192. The original publication is available at: [[ http://​ieeexplore.ieee.org/​xpl/​articleDetails.jsp?​arnumber=6597192 | IEEE Xplore ]]. {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2013topi_limaetal2013.pdf|[paper]}} {{:​leds:​publicacoes:​downloads:​paperconf_2013topi_limaetal2013.bib|[bibtex]}}